Secure Code Review to Ship it Right!

Before going live let's make sure all the hefty compliance issues are mitigated well by resolving all sorts of vulnerabilities.

Go Quick and Easy with Source Code Review for Early Detection and Vulnerabilities Mitigation.

Cross-checking every weak point and error to save time and dedicated resources before stepping into production. Track the exact lines of code with suggested amends that fix issues like SQL injection, XSS, authentication issues, and mitigating exploitation problems

Let’s ship your code confidently!


Comprehensive Application Security

Get a comprehensive picture of application security.


Improved Visibility

Get more visibility throughout your codebase. Gain visibility across your entire codebase including application infrastructure and functionality to reduce the risk of exploitation and breaches.


Mitigating Risks

Taking over authorization issues, and data leakage to reduce attack vectors.


Feedback for Secure Code

Secure code review feedback reinforces the creation of more secure code from the beginning.

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How do Source Code Reviews testers perform this testing?

  • The fundamental step is to specify the objectives for the security code review

  • Gathering specific information like Access, Line of Code, and Hardware requirements for the license tool information and walk-through. (Basically getting a high-level overview of all the checks)

  • Performing preliminary Scan.

How Qualimatrix Does the Source Code Review

Get the pentester's perspective.

Risk Mitigation

Our pentester performs both manual reviewing and automated tools together so issues can discovered faster.

Assurance of Compliance

Our pen-testers dig deeper into your code over a broader coverage.

Enhanced confidence

Decoding the complex logic of the business context and checking in for zero-day vulnerabilities that SAST may not be able to report.


Rigorous involvement in reporting, security enhancement & making the development teams.

‘Know More’ about Sorce Code Review!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Average Duration of Source Code Review

The size and complexity of the codebase determine how long a source code review takes. Greater applications may take weeks to review thoroughly, while smaller initiatives might only take a few days. Our goal is to deliver reviews in a fast and effective manner without sacrificing quality.

Concrete Recommendations for Code Review

Indeed. In addition to identifying problems, our team provides practical suggestions for solving them. We offer thorough analysis and recommendations to raise your software application's overall security and quality.

Supported Programming Languages and Frameworks

Reviewing source code produced in a variety of programming languages and frameworks is our area of expertise. Our crew is skilled in several languages, including C/C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, and frameworks like React, Angular, Django, and Spring.

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